Paper presented @ DGSKA Conference, 25–28 July 2023, Munich, Germany
»„Tell me Tolly“: Indigenous Appropriation, Ethnographic Knowledge Production, and Sound Heritage in Kiribati« by Wolfgang Kempf
»„Tell me Tolly“: Indigenous Appropriation, Ethnographic Knowledge Production, and Sound Heritage in Kiribati« by Wolfgang Kempf
The focus of this study is the historical exploration of a collection of audio documents with songs and dance chants from the Gilbert Archipelago in the Central...
The focus of this study is the historical exploration of a collection of audio documents with songs and dance chants from the Gilbert Archipelago in the Central...
»Im/Material Dimensions of Historicity: Linking Sound Documents and Historical Representations of a Religious Movement in Kiribat« by Wolfgang Kempf
»Sounds from the Past: Reassembling Songs and Memory« by Wolfgang Kempf (University of Göttingen) & Lisa Lawson Burke (Framingham State University).
Articulations of vulnerability, of the will to address the challenges posed by climate change, and of criticism of the international community’s inadequate effo...
»Reassembling Image and Sound: On the Post-Synchronization of Film Doc« by Wolfgang Kempf (University of Göttingen)
Social science research on Pacific Islanders’ receptions of and dealings with climate change has recently gained considerable momentum. Yet, despite the well-do...
An entire range of divine beings and spirits have existed in Kiribati from time immemorial. My focus is on a mythic landscape of invisible sites located between...