Gilbert Islands Revisited: Tabonteba

The picture of Tabonteba village on the island of Nonouti served Dr. Koch as an exemplary representation of a traditional settlement of atoll dwellers in the Gilbert Islands.

Foto: Gerd Koch, Tabonteba, 21.10.1963, color slide, VIII D 10800, Ethnologisches Museum Berlin, Germany

Decades later a clear change is visible. The place is surrounded by a sea wall, and a compound of the Kiribati Protestant Church (renamed to Kiribati Uniting Church in 2014) – with the church “Uotan Tebanikora”, the meeting house “Uotan ba n te meaeu” and a residential building for the pastor – was established on the reclaimed land.

Foto: Wolfgang Kempf, Tabonteba/Teuabu, 13.09.2011 (GPS 0° 34.9000′ 174° 21.0700′(External Link))