Project Diary

  • 15. September 2010Film Documents Officially Presented to the State of Kiribati Originally recorded by Dr. Gerd Koch but now on DVD, 70 ethnographic film documents were presented to the State of Kiribati by Dr. Rolf Husmann and Dr. Wolfgang Kempf.
  • 15. September 2010Radio Coverage of Handover of Film Documents to the State of Kiribati Kiribati’s Broadcasting and Publications Authority (BPA) has kindly provided us with an audio file of the radio broadcast about the official handover of the DVDs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition to the coverage of this event, the audio file is also meant to give an impression of the distinct radio culture that...
  • 17. September 2010Newspaper Report About the Handing Over of the Film Documents The Kiribati-Newspaper Uekera published a report about the handing over of the film documents to the State Secretary of the „Ministry of Internal and Social Affairs“ (MISA) titled Uotaki rikaaki rongorongon ao tamnein katein Kiribati mai Tiaman (Information and films about Kiribati culture return from Germany):
  • 23. September 2010Film Workshop 2010 An essential part of the project was to hold a teaching unit on “Creating new images on Kiribati” in the form of a multi-week workshop. The aim was to promote the education and training of local filmmakers. The workshop was led by Dr. Husmann. The main task was to provide the participants with basic knowledge...
  • 17. September 2011Public Screening on Nonouti Island Some of Dr Koch’s film documents were shown to selected persons at the meeting house Betania in Temanoku (Tetua) and to members of the Lutheran congregation in neighboring Teuabu (Tabonteba) on 15 September 2011. Finally, on Friday 17 September, 2011, the public screening of a selection of Dr. Koch’s films took place at George Eastman...
  • 25. September 2011Public Screening on Onotoa Island The annual meeting of the Christian youth organization from the Southern District of the Protestant Church of Kiribati – the Southern District YCL Convention – provided a good opportunity to show a selection of Dr Koch’s films to a larger audience. In consultation with the organizers of the event, this public screening took place on...
  • 29. September 2011Public Screening on Tarawa Long-standing contacts with the director of St. Patrick’s College in Betio, Mr. TeboaTabanga, also made it possible to hold a public screening of Dr. Koch’s films on Tarawa. The director, Mr. Tabanga, made the selection of the film documents based on the list of Dr. Koch’s films. Mr. Tabanga’s compilation included all three islands and...
  • 1. October 2011Film Workshop 2011 The follow-up to the 2010 film workshop was dedicated to film editing. The basis for the workshop was the unedited film material in the National Museum, (Cultural Centre) Te Umwanibong in Bikenibeu, which documented events from the traditional culture of Kiribati. The Cultural Officer, Mr. Natan Itonga, allowed the workshop to be held at the...
  • 4. October 2011Final Symposium The director of the Kiribati Campus of the University of the South Pacific on Tarawa, Dr. Ueantabo Mackenzie, had kindly agreed to provide the venue and the necessary technical equipment for the final symposium of the project. The conference first dealt with the historical conditions under which the old film documents were created, then presented...