Paper presented @ DGSKA Conference, 25–28 July 2023, Munich, Germany
»„Tell me Tolly“: Indigenous Appropriation, Ethnographic Knowledge Production, and Sound Heritage in Kiribati« by Wolfgang Kempf
»„Tell me Tolly“: Indigenous Appropriation, Ethnographic Knowledge Production, and Sound Heritage in Kiribati« by Wolfgang Kempf
The focus of this study is the historical exploration of a collection of audio documents with songs and dance chants from the Gilbert Archipelago in the Central...
»Im/Material Dimensions of Historicity: Linking Sound Documents and Historical Representations of a Religious Movement in Kiribat« by Wolfgang Kempf
»Sounds from the Past: Reassembling Songs and Memory« by Wolfgang Kempf (University of Göttingen) & Lisa Lawson Burke (Framingham State University).
»Reassembling Image and Sound: On the Post-Synchronization of Film Doc« by Wolfgang Kempf (University of Göttingen)